I have always relied upon the complex interdependencies of society They
have never failed me in the past. They will, therefore, never fail me in the future. I do not need to
prepare for any problems.
Meat comes to me in shrink-wrapped packages.
Vegetables have no dirt on them. They are always crisp and shiny.
Fish is a food product that has no bones.
Bread is neatly sliced and packaged. It Builds Strong Bodies Twelve Ways.
Potatoes are long, rectangular cubes that have salt sprinkled on them.
I drive my car past a window to obtain them.
Light is provided to me 24 hours a day by glass bulbs. It is never dark.
Power for my appliances lives in the wall. I plug into it whenever I
want to.
I have books. They are used for filling the empty space on my shelves.
Entertainment comes to me in a large box. It has many channels.
Sometimes I see wars in far away places on the box. Wars do not affect
me personally. Wars are entertainment. Wars are not waged near where I live.
Heat comes to me as I turn up a thermostat.
Cool air comes to me as I turn down a thermostat.
Clothing comes to me pre-sewn, in my size.
When the county fair comes, I go to see the horses, cows, pigs and sheep.
I do not know where they live after the county fair goes away.
Factories are far away places. They make things for me. I buy them.
I get to other places in marvelous vehicles that come to me in showrooms.
I do not know how to build them, or to fix them.
My children are educated by people smarter than me. I have forgotten
all I learned in school.
Peace is maintained in my neighborhood by good men in blue uniforms.
They have guns. I do not. If I press 3 buttons on my phone, they will come and help me.
Medical assistance can also be obtained instantly, via the same three
My s**t does not stink. It goes down a porcelain hole. It goes away.
If anything goes wrong, I will look in the Yellow Pages and call someone
to fix it.