Disposable has become such an entrenched part of our psyches that we often
forget that there are alternatives. Often, the alternative is the better choice, regardless of philosophical bent or economic
considerations. Becoming less disposable is a simple matter of habit, awareness, and getting beyond the marketing hype. Once
you decide you’d rather the trees be in the forest, find other uses for that disposable income spent on disposables,
or realize comfort and quality are more important than ease, your disposables habit will disappear, without fanfare or regret.
Here are some ideas to get you going.
RAGS -- Keep that last roll of paper towels around for nostalgia’s
sake, but stop reaching for it when what you really want is a good rag. My favorites are old and worn, 100% cotton flannel
shirts, flannel sheets, t-shirts, wash and dish rags, towels, socks. If you haven’t enough material from your own household
(I know, hard to believe, but some people may not have accumulated all that yet), a few garage sales, auctions, or thrift
store visits will garner you rag material galore.
Designate a spot for the rag bag. Then periodically take scissors to the
pile and make stacks of appropriate sized rags -- washable large / handy medium / throw-away small. Stash an assortment in
the kitchen, workshop, garden shed, vehicles, garage, house, anywhere you might need to wipe, dust, or polish. Remember, you
CAN throw the rag away when appropriate. For oily rags, hang them out until dry before disposing of them, since a pile of
oily rags can self-ignite. We throw small ones in the wood stove, large ones (once they get so stiff they are unusable) into
the garbage.
BAGS -- It’s not easy, but if you are fast and persistent, you CAN
get out of the store without one of those ridiculous and irritating plastic or paper bags. Make or buy a supply of cloth,
string, or canvas bags and put a few in all of your vehicles. Then take one with you when you’ll be buying enough that
you will need a bag. Don’t be shy about using those ready-to-hand carriers called hands. And pockets were made to put
things in. Be prepared for offended sales clerks (What do you mean you don’t want a bag?! EVERYONE takes a bag!). A
friendly firmness usually works. But you have to be fast, or that heavy duty plastic container of motor oil with the handy
handle will be in it’s own little chintzy whimpy plastic bag with the not-so-handy handle before you can open your mouth.
Ditto for that bag of apples, box of nails, plastic bubbled eraser. It’s an uphill battle, but being bag-free is worth
the effort.
KLEENEX -- We have one box of kleenex in the house that friends brought with
them, and left, more than ten years ago. It’s pink, but works fine for the occasional visitor who doesn’t just
head for the toilet paper when the need arises. For ourselves, we use hankies, or handkerchiefs. It’s worth it to get
quality ones (fine cotton or linen), except for the household member who persists in using his hankie instead of a rag to
clean the windshield or wipe off the headlights. Get him the sturdy, cheap cotton kind. The colored ones. If necessary, you
can soak handkerchiefs in a bucket of soapy water before laundry day.
THE OTHER KIND OF RAG -- And you thought women of past days were deprived.
I’m sure many of them would think WE are. Frankly, once I got a feel of the handmade, cotton flannel variety, I never
wanted to go back to those scratchy, throw-aways. Talking here about menstrual pads. If it doesn’t apply, skip this
They are easy to make, and use. Sure you have to wash them, but you wash
your clothes and hair don’t you? No difference. Here is the pattern I came up with (see drawing below). It is easily
adjusted to fit individual needs. Just cut the pieces of material larger or smaller. Use lively printed 100% cotton flannel
and you won’t have to worry about "getting the stains out". If you use new material (check out the scrap bin at the
local fabric store), wash well before cutting out.
Make a generous supply so you always have fresh clean pads when needed. Make
some thick and some thin (using larger and smaller inner pads). After use, just rinse then soak them in cold water until laundry
time. Or wash them by hand when it’s convenient.
BOTTLED DRINKS -- Never leave the house without every member having a bottle
(or two) of water. Glass is best, but use biking/hiking water bottles, disposable drink bottles, glass juice bottles, whatever
you will use. A little powdered lemonade keeps the water from tasting stale, as does a splash of lemon or other juice. Tea
(herbal or regular) works well, too. Make bulk tea or just stick a tea bag in your bottle of water and remove some time later.
This is easily convenient when you are on the road.
Be sure to clean and rinse out all bottles well when back home again. The
plastic bottles in particular can get pretty rank and hard to clean out if you forget this simple chore if you’ve used
other than plain water. Throw them in the recycle bin when they start to look at all cloudy. The plastics in those disposable
bottles can degrade into what you are drinking (something to think about before buying them at all!). Never again pay good
money for cheap colored sugar water or plain water in a disposable earth unfriendly bottle.
HOT DRINK CUPS -- Keep refillable, toppered cups in all your vehicles. Take
one to all meetings and gatherings. Don’t forget to bring them in and wash occasionally. Decide that disposable foam
cups are highly offensive, and be offended enough not to use them. For special meetings or events, take along a favorite pottery
PICNIC / POTLUCK KITS -- Gather sets of dishes for every member of the family,
a package for each vehicle. Let everyone pick out their own. Have fun scouring art fairs, garage sales, thrift stores, kitchen
cupboards, for the ideal, personalized, potluck kit. Put in whatever suits you, from a simple bowl, spoon, and mug, to a complete
full-course place setting. Make a washable padded pocketed cloth "potluck bag" to carry your kit in (and out). Or just sew
up an old towel into a bag shape. Or use a box. Grab the kit whenever and wherever the sight of a paper plate and plastic
fork assaults your senses, and sensibility. Potlucks, disposable-plate-eateries and take-outs, advanced planned or spur of
the moment picnics, out-of-the-grocery-store-on-the-road-cheap meals (for these add a small can opener to your car-kit). They
are all better for this extra-special touch.
The advantages will be obvious to anyone who has ever tried to balance a
quickly whimpping paper plate full of potato salad, juicy beans, and rolling hot-dogs; or tried to dissect a hot-from-the-grill
meat with plastic fork and knife on a tender foam disposable plate. Not to mention the white whirlwind blowing around the
grounds when everyone is finished. Don’t forget the cloth napkins. And don’t be surprised if you start a trend.
You may be the first to bring your own potluck non-disposable dishes to an event, but you probably won’t be the last.
NAPKINS -- Use soft absorbent cotton or linen. Be creative, be simple. Make
a variety, make a lot of them, use often. Make a few extra for gifts. Or buy from other creative people. Paper napkins just
don’t compare. You’ll spend more time shopping for, and earning the money to buy, those paper jobs than you ever
will by having to include a few extra cloth napkins in the regular wash. Use them not only for the mundane mouth wiping, but
for wrapping cheese, sandwiches, bread, etc. Sew up a few simple cloth bags while you’re at it for the same purpose
(great for carrying along a supply of healthy, homestead cookies!). Your food will thank you.
TOILET PAPER -- Actually, there are lots of options here, but unless you’re
used to being in the woods and outback, you probably won’t be convinced that leaves work just fine. And you’ve
probably heard enough stories of the catalog option in the old (and not-so-old) outhouse. But what I’d like to remind
is that trees don’t have to be torn out and chipped up to be used for toilet paper (this has to be the height of insult
to our forests). TP made of 100% recycled, wonderfully unbleached, materials is readily available, and certainly of high enough
quality. Buy it by the case if you have to (covered with a cloth, this large box can make a handy side table) -- for yourself
or split with friends.
Think about it. Does anyone NEED pink posied bleached white perfumed and
chemicaled TP? I think we, and our bodies, need the trees in the forests more.
DISHES AT HOME -- One way to make meals and the resulting dishwashing more
pleasant, and avoid the urge to grab the disposable stuff, is to acquire dishes that make you WANT to use them. Go to your
regional artisans -- potters, glass blowers, woodcrafters, metal workers. Purchase individual bowls, mugs, plates, glasses,
utensils. Make it a long term, and fun, acquisition process. Visit art fairs, galleries, studios. When traveling, seek out
local artists and craftsmen. Take a class and make your own. Let everyone in the family participate. Let them have their favorites.
Give company a meaningful and beautiful choice of hand-made dishes. Then,
when everyone is through eating, each person takes their own dish, quickly washes it, and puts it away. You still have the
serving dishes, pots, and pans. But in a family this chore can, and should, be shared. And I’ve never known a gathering
of invited guests to not include those willing to pitch in and help clean up. There’s more to life than matched place
settings made in some far-off factory; or worse, throw-away paper, land-fill filling foam, never rotting plastic. Let your
eatery reflect the quality of your home-grown or home prepared food -- the quality of your life.
BUY IN BULK -- Buying in bulk not only prevents a lot of packaging coming
into your lives, it can save you money as well. A 50# bag of oatmeal gives you one large garbage bag when empty, and a lot
of food security when full. The same oatmeal purchased in 1# containers gives you 50 boxes to dispose of when empty, at a
higher cost.
You can find storage possibilities all over the house: under a bed, on top
of a dresser, in a basement. A galvanized garbage can makes a convenient storage container for grains (line with a large bag
sewn up from an old sheet), or for bags of dry goods. Most foods should be kept cool and dry for best quality and longevity.
Better yet, if you buy close to home and in season, you avoid all that transportation expense and waste. A food buying club
or coop can be a very good source for bulk buying. If there are none near you, start one!
Don’t forget non-food items. Things such as shampoo, laundry soap,
dishwashing liquid, TP, pet food are all candidates. We buy simple shampoo in a gallon container, then pour it into convenient
smaller bottles. It is not only shampoo, it is also dishwashing soap, wool wash, and general cleaner. Get out from under that
towering mountain of specialized cleaners and junk. A jug of vinegar (make your own) and a box of baking soda will take care
of most everything. And they won’t have you grabbing an inhaler in order to breath when you use them. You’ll acquire
a lot of extra storage space, too!
Got for it -- make your life healthier, happier, and non-disposable!