500 P38 can openers 120 Cheap Chinese Pocket Knives Box of Hotel sized
soap bars Cases of Matches 1000 Tea Light candles .22 Ammo
Whisky, lots of strange single malts, wasted on mzb's but ethanol.
collection of petrol zippo lighters, royal navy ships crests wasted on mzb's but light fires.
Solid silver models of
star trek vessels, wasted on etc but silver.
Honey, some knowlege of beekeeping.
Lots of computer bits, I mean
lots and the ability to power up in a grid crash situation (laptop/printer via 600w inverter and batteries).
how to (a lot of it gleaned fron latoc and links posted here).
Some pm's probably not enough to matter.
loads of assorted fishing gear probably 20+ rods reels boxes upon boxes of hooks line etc.
2 big boxes assorted nuts
bolts fastners.
I really need to do a proper inventory of the garage and loft as I have serious pack rat tendencies
A few hundred pencils, soon to be a few thousand once I work a deal out.
Utility knife and razor blades. Lamp oil.
Candles. Tea. Cannned animal of some sort will soon be added. Nails/screws/salvaged plumbing parts and other building materials.
Bike parts. Shaving razors, batteries, flashlights (I've got a few extra shake lights, too). I plan to get some bulk spices,
mostly simple stuff. Matches. Spare, often inexpensive but decent, tools (Harbor Freight had hammers for $2 that actually
weren't so bad, for example).
plan on trading any excess produce from the garden. i will have to think about it. the
p-38's that i got from cheaper than dirt .com don't work well. the old one i have had for over 20 yrs works great. i think
that rain poncho's would be good trade materiel as well as socks and bandana's and ball caps cast iron cookware would be great,
heavy but great. good buckets would be worth some as well. not the cheap 5 gallon variety, but the heavy fortiflex kind. baby
pigs would be good too, roasted piglet yummy
One thing I literally have tonnes of is nuts, bolts, nails, screws, thingamabobs,
lumber, tools, and everything else that goes with a construction business.
Never wanted anything from parents and told
them to leave it all to my sister in their wills.
But yesterday told father that I'd take anything with me that he
was willing to give me when I move ou to BC. Don't want to be in need on a red Robertson screwdriver, when I could have had
20 of them for free.
As for barter, I'm hoping to not need anything that anyone does have, but if I need a tooth pulled
and a broken leg set, what would a doctor want? I've got about 20 provincially certified first aid kits still sealed in original
boxes, that should be handy.
The absolute one thing I cannot stock enough of is coffee. Life just won't be worth living
wthout it. Must have 50 cans of it stored up so far.
I'd imagine matches would be a good buy as well. I always grab
a few packs now when I buy smokes. You can buy lighters in bulk packs for really cheap.
Travelled the world for 4 years
with nothing baut a backpack on my back, and packing tape was worth more then gold to me. Used for patching backpack, clothes,
taping boots together and even sealing flesh wounds.
Garage sale is coming!! Who else is excited! Alcohol Coffee Tea Swiss
Miss Razor blades Tampons Salt