Hard cheeses can be stored by dipping them in melted paraffin. Remove
any wrapping from the cheese. Melt the paraffin in an old pan. Dip the cheese in the melted stuff or get a paint brush
and paint the paraffin on the cheese. Allow the paraffin to dry completely, and dip again. After about 4 coats of paraffin,
you may add a layer of cheese cloth for extra protection. Continue dipping and drying until the paraffin has formed a smooth,
thick, bubble free surface. Store cheeses that have been coated in paraffin in the coolest spot you can find, as in a cellar
or unheated room.
Cheeses that have been stored this way will last a very long time, almost indefinitely. If the paraffin
ever gets a crack or bloster, re-coat it with melted paraffin.